
Today was my first official day back at le Cordon Bleu for my intermediate cuisine course. Fifty-four people in the class…yikes!!!! I thought it was going to be a nice little group like last time, oh well. This time I’m taking the regular class–not the intensive–which spans over the next two and half months. Hopefully I’ll have some time to pursue other interests (and finish writing my musical) this time around.

Due to the international student body I would say that most of us were really jet lagged. I looked down my row during our first practical to see peoples eyelids fluttering to stay open and chins propped up on hands. The heat from the ovens and stoves didn’t help much either.


I’m so excited about the recipes we’re cooking this time. They look delicious. We’re studying different regions of France and cooking regional dishes. Today the Chef demo-ed Goat cheese & ratatouille stuffed tomatoes, roasted cockerel with herb butter and jus, spring vegetables glazed, and oeufs a la neige with black current sauce for dessert. mmmm mmmm good.
