I have begun a new venture with Suzie & Jay Trexler: Tunitas Creek Kitchen<\/a>!<\/p>\n The Trexlers are the proud farmers of the beautiful coastal Potrero Nuevo Farm<\/a> and I’m their chef. Featuring locally brewed Cypress beer at our first farm-to-fork dinner, we decide that we really<\/em> need pretzels. Pretzels go with beer: warm, soft, chewy, brown pretzels with crunchy salt \u2013 like the kind you can buy from a street-vendor!<\/p>\n Napa Cabbage Slaw with warm Pretzels: Todd Parsons Photography<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n In the middle of researching how exactly to make pretzels, my husband takes me to the French Laundry for my birthday. And guess what kind of bread they are serving? Pretzels! Man, what is going on here? Is there a transcendental pretzel wave that I am vibe-ing off of?<\/p>\n I ask the server if they are cooked in lye. Not sure he returns to ask the kitchen and then informs me: “Yes, they are cooked in lye \u2013 you’re the only one who has ever asked that question!” \u00a0I enjoy keeping servers on their toes, and he seems to enjoy refilling my empty bread plate with beautiful mini pretzels. No complaints here.<\/p>\n Todd Parsons photography<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n So what is lye and why are pretzels traditionally cooked in it? Let me quote Wikipedia because I think this is fascinating:<\/p>\n “Lye is a corosive alkaline substance, commonly sodium hydroxide, or historically potassium hydroxide. Previously, lye was among the many different alkalis leached from hardwood ashes. Today lye is commercially maufactured using a membrane cell method.<\/span><\/p>\n Solid dry lye is commonly available as flakes, pellets, microbeads, and coarse powser. It is also available as solution often dissolved in water. Lye is valued for its use in food preparation, soap making, biodiesel productions, household uses, such as oven cleaner and drain opener, and the clandestine production of the illicit psycho-stimulant drug methamphetamine.<\/span><\/p>\n Lye is used to cure many types of food, such as lutefisk, black olives, canned mandarin oranges, hominy, lye rolls, century eggs, and pretzels. It is also used as a tenderizer in the crust of baked Cantonese moon cakes and in lye-water “zongzi”. In the United States, food-grade lye must meet the requirements outlined in the Food Chemicals Codex. Lower grades of lye are commonly used as drain openers and oven cleaners.”<\/span><\/p>\n Huh, so lye is also used to open drains, clean ovens, and make crystal meth. Fascinating….<\/p>\n Pretzel dough is boiled in a lye solution before heading to the oven. That’s what seals them and makes ’em last oh-so-long. The lye also departs that characteristic slightly alkali flavor and deep brown crust. But I just don’t think lye sounds good. No. I think it sounds poisonous. What to do? In fact I’m not even sure that I want it in my soap bar either.<\/p>\n I research all sorts of recipes online and then turn to my very old edition of the Joy of Cooking. I often find great recipes in here like how to skin & cook squirrel or boil boar’s head to perfection. Not to mention great hostess advice like how to set up a champagne tower and pour the bubbly over just right so it cascades into every flute.<\/p>\n The old Joy of Cooking pretzel recipe makes the most sense in terms of ratios and it calls for baking soda otherwise known as Sodium Bicarbonate, instead of lye, which has a slightly salty and alkaline taste \u2013 a great replacement.<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n