Comments on: Tempura Green Beans & Cod Escabeche 3-Michelin star kitchen stories and recipes! Join me on my cooking adventures from Paris to Pescadero and everywhere in between Tue, 03 Apr 2012 02:14:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carla Spacher Wed, 02 Jun 2010 12:48:47 +0000 Hubby, for the thick batter I use the same batter I use for gluten free onion rings. I use rice flour, too, but with raw almond milk instead of water or soda.
Thanks so much for posting this recipe!!! You have inspired me!

By: buy viagra Mon, 17 May 2010 13:25:58 +0000 I love the Green Bean Tempura’s delicious, if they haven’t proven they’re missing the most delicious in the world hahaha!

By: Ms. Glaze Thu, 13 Sep 2007 01:22:59 +0000 Eddie – you’re hilarious! I’m changing my profession to porn star. I think my names works better for it. And since my posts seem to come up alonside it anyway it will be an easy switch… bises, Ms.Glaze

By: Eddie Lin Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:08:24 +0000 Perfect! I was looking for a nice cod recipe. I knew I could count on you, you sassy Parisian thang! Great videos. I always learn something when I watch them like Sesame Street.
p.s. I found this video by googling for my favorite porn called “Hot Young Cod Piece” and your video came up. jk.

By: Gillian Wed, 05 Sep 2007 18:14:07 +0000 Looks delicious! Do you ever visit the little street of Japanese restaurants and noodle houses in Paris?

By: Ms. Glaze Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:18:31 +0000 Hubby – I’ll be happy to deep fry your fingers…
SAS – As always, great suggestions! Also, it’s possible to skip the different flours altogether and just use cornstarch or potato starch although the flavor isn’t as good. Funny, I saw Yan Can Cook taped live in SF when I was 10 years old with my Girl Scout troop. It was one of the most entertaining shows I’ve ever been to and he let us come up on the set to sample the food. What a neat man and incredible cook. Truly a pioneer in bringing Asian cuisine to the home kitchen. Talk about knife skills!!!
Alison – Deep fryers are so much fun and guests are always impressed with easy starters like calamari or popcorn shrimp. And then there’s so many great desserts too: beignets, fried bananas, doghnuts. Sometimes I plug mine in on the terrace and do bbq’d steaks with frites. Fun! Wish they weren’t so big in the United States. I noticed recently that Williams Sonoma has some cool deep fryers, but they’re expensive.

By: Alison Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:57:34 +0000 This post makes my mouth water. And I want a deep-fryer, too.

By: SAS Sun, 02 Sep 2007 13:40:59 +0000 Love tempura, but I’m gluten-intolerant, so I use rice flour instead. Works just as well, especially if you use club soda instead of water (learned that from Yan Can Cook!). Just in case any of your other gluten-avoiding readers think tempura is not for them…
Thanks for the post – I’ve got some lovely green beans in the fridge – think I know what I’ll be having for dinner!

By: hubby Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:54:48 +0000 tempura batter so good, i wish i could only deep fry my own fingers and walk around all day eating tempura! green beans of course is a much better alternative especially with amazing dipping sauce!
