Comments on: Salade de Concombre et Radis 3-Michelin star kitchen stories and recipes! Join me on my cooking adventures from Paris to Pescadero and everywhere in between Tue, 03 Apr 2012 02:17:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: San Francisco Photos Sat, 07 Jul 2007 18:02:29 +0000 Wow! Restaurant Ecco. My partner mentions to me about Restaurant Ecco all the time when we drive through South Park. It’s not even a restaurant anymore. Oh well. I never got to go there and I guess I wish I did!

By: hubby Mon, 04 Jun 2007 15:03:02 +0000 if there is one thing i like, it’s rabbit food! seriously on warm spring evenings, i want nothing more than a salad like this. you read my mind dear…

By: Ms. Glaze Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:31:23 +0000 Chère Chocolatechic, I love your blog and your son obviously has the calling! French technique allows one to cook anything anywhere and if he can cut it under pressure in a French kitchen then he can make it anywhere in the world. I’ve cooked in London, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Paris – and I can tell you that Paris is the most physically and mentally intensive. French cooking is not easy, it takes time and patience and a higher calling. I wonder if he can do a summer training here at one of the schools or restaurants?
Let me know if I can help out in any way!?!? Bisous, Ms. Glaze

By: chocolatechic Mon, 04 Jun 2007 13:22:23 +0000 I have just spent the last 3 days reading your entire blog. My son 16, is going to be a chef. He wants to go to France, so I mainly was reading it to see what it was like.
He has been enjoying it too. Thank you so much for a look into your life.
I sure hope your work visa comes in soon.

By: jeorg Sun, 03 Jun 2007 17:41:47 +0000 i love a good cucumber salad, but, and i say this sheepishly while staring at my feet, radishes give me heartburn…

By: urbanvegan Sun, 03 Jun 2007 09:25:39 +0000 Radishes and cukes are two of my favorite veggies. Sounds like a refreshing salad. [Although I, being vegan, would skip the fromage.]

By: Ms. Glaze Sun, 03 Jun 2007 06:22:29 +0000 Me too! I don’t know why. Sometimes I just get stuck on combinations. Last week it was Strawberries, crème fraîce, and brown sugar and this week it’s cucumbers and radishes. I LOVE your blog by the way. Great recipes! I noticed you have a few of your own radish/cucumber recettes…
Bisous, Ms. Glaze

By: Kalyn Sun, 03 Jun 2007 05:09:10 +0000 Sounds perfect to me. I’m on a real radish kick lately!
