This is an adult hot apple pie sundae loaded with holiday spice plus a hefty prohibition kick!
Walnuts, golden raisins, and Potrero Nuevo Farm heirloom tart-sweet mystery apples (Golden Delicious perhaps, nobody know for sure because the trees are very old) are cooked in a spiked sweet soup with: canela, star anise, rosemary, nutmeg, cardamom, orange peel, brown sugar, and honey – and whiskey.
Yes whiskey and a few bottles of rich barley wine from Cypress Brewing Company. Basically this is a cocktail in disguise as a very innocent dessert. Perfect for wrapping cold hands around while sitting on a hail bail and watching an outdoor movie at Potrero Nuevo Farm.
Shortbread cookies are close in ratio and recipe to a pâte brisée (pie crust). With two major exceptions: there is extra salt and pie crust is often half fat to flour instead of one-third fat to flour. Traditional Scottish shortbread is salty and sweet. This combo is totally underplayed in my humble opinion. In terms of flavor profiles it should go: butter, flour, salt, then sugar even though the actual recipe actually uses a 1:2:3 ratio of sugar: butter: flour and leaves the salt to your discretion. Don’t be afraid to taste the dough and adjust!
The caramel drizzle is malt extract syrup for beer making which I’ve been using a lot lately in different ways. It has become a fantastic secret ingredient adding depth to winter stews, soups, extra maltiness to pizza crust, and as a fun sweet dessert topping. It has the consistency of honey and a rich sweet malty hop flavor.
There’s nothing pretentious about this dessert. It’s easy. It tastes warm and comforting and it is meant to be held by the hands and warm you inside and out.

- Shortbread:
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 1/2 cup confectioners' (powered) sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 cups sifted All-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoons sea salt or Kosher salt
- Prohibition Apple Pie Filling:
- 6 apples, peeled & cored, diced 1/2-inch
- 1/2 cup golden raisons soaked in whiskey
- 1 cup walnuts halved, toasted
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 cup apple cider
- 1/2 cup whiskey
- 1 bottle barley wine
- 2 lemons, juice of
- 1 stick canela, or 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 star anise
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamon
- Peel from orange (1)
- 2 rosemary sprigs
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- Vanilla ice cream & Malt Barely Extract for drizzle
For Shortbread:
Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add vanilla extract & salt. Mix in flour cup by cup. Do not overmix. If making shortbread into cookies create logs by patting dough into cylinders and rolling up with saran wrap. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes before cutting into 1/2-inch circles. If desired press each cookie into granulated sugar. Bake on parchment paper at 325˚F until just golden about 15-20 minutes.
For shortbread fingers: pat the stiff dough into an ungreased 9x9-inch pan and press down flat. Pierce with a fork through the dough all over. Bake until just golden brown, about 25-30 minutes and cut into squares while warm.
Shortbread will keep for at least 1 month if stored in an air tight container.
For apple filling:
Heat a large high sided sauté pan or casserole on high. Melt the butter. When its foamy sauté/sear diced apples. Toss in walnuts and raisons. Deglaze the pan with whiskey and add brown sugar and honey to create a pan caramel. Add lemon juice. Then add barley wine, apple cider, and spices and turn heat down to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes or until the sauce is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
Serve apple filling in a martini glass or bowl, top with ice cream and shortbread cookie. Drizzle malt extract over top.
Sweet! Looks absolutely amazing. I love the idea of cooking with whiskey AND barley wine. Genius! Barley wine just seems to obvious now with the spices, fruits, and nuts.
And thanks for the Eden Foods Barley Malt link!!!!
Yes, sitting on a hail bail IS really cold and deserves a hot sundae!! I avoided the hail and just stood and ate mine…and wanted more!
I haven’t made shortbread in a long time, but as I remember is a very forgiving dough and it does taste better a little saltier just like you said. This is a very doable recipe – thank you. And I love the little secret ingredients you share to spice up traditional fare. I’ll have to try that malt syrup.
Daisy! I can’t wait to see what tasty sweet treats you’ll come up with, with the malt syrup!
William! Yay! That was such a fun night! Thank you for providing the most beautiful place on earth for a farm to table dinner!
Het! Do you make your shortbread into cookies or as whole sheet? I’m curious to know which works better…
Did you know that if you sub out part of the flour with corn starch your shortbread will be more tender? I’m a shortbread aficionado, but I can’t take credit for that little variation. I picked that tip up from the ever-popular Joy of Cooking. My lust for shortbread can never be satisfied.
I’m so glad you brought that up because I have seen many recipes with cornstarch but I have never added that. My old editions of Joy don’t use it but I guess I didn’t look in the new one. Ill have to do a little recipe experimentation. What I also love about shortbread is how long they keep (that is if they don’t all get eaten!) thanks CaliChef!
I’ve never had shortbread last more than two days. Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration. But not by much. However, I once packed some as a Christmas gift, but the recipient wouldn’t come by to get it and didn’t have stable hours or even a stable home at the time so I couldn’t deliver. After three weeks I decided I wasn’t going to let them go to waste and I ate them. I have to admit that the “cured” shortbread had a really interesting depth of flavor. I’m not sure if it was because my palate was on high alert for tinges of rancidity that I was in fear of finding, or what, but it was darned good. Not the slightest hint of rancidity, and they’d been in my pantry the whole time. I’m not sure if I possess the strength to repeat the experiment. 😉