I’ve taught theater and English all over the world, from India to California’s overcrowded public high schools. I have always prided myself on using drama as a tool to help English language learners to communicate. I’ve spent years reaching out to students who need English to survive. Now I’m the one on the other side of the coin. I need French help badly.
I never realized just how difficult it is to be in that survival situation until now. Living in a country and not speaking the language makes even basic tasks a scary adventure.
Today I had to go to Guy Savoy and get my official stagier (apprenticeship) papers signed. As usual, I got up, got dressed (thirty thousand times), poured myself a cup of coffee, and once again stared at my telephone.
Do I call? Should I make an appointment? Should I just walk over? What if they’re really busy preparing lunch and I’m coming at the wrong time? What if I call and I can’t understand what they say back to me?
After much deliberation, I decided to call. I called twice and there was no answer. What a relief! My husband finally told me that I should just walk over. “You’re an actor, you’ll be fine! They’ll love you. You’re talented, they’re lucky to have you…” He gave me the get-off-your-butt-and-take-care-of-it speech with an ego boosting twist. It worked and I walked the scary three blocks wondering the whole time if I was making a big mistake.
Heart racing I paused before the restaurant and called my husband again for reassurance. I know, I know, I’m a big baby – but a three star michelin restaurant owned by world renowned Monsieur Guy Savoy is nothing to scoff about. It’s the Broadway of Cuisine, the Shubert Theatre of gastronomy! I felt like I was going for an audition or callbacks. I felt like I wanted to throw-up.
Just as my husband picked up the phone and asked if everything was okay, I caught a chef crossing the street from the restaurant. I hung up quickly and stopped the chef and asked him if it’s possible to get my stagier papers signed. After a somewhat quizzical look he then took me to another chef who took me to another chef. I went from a storage space across the street to the actual restaurant itself to a tour of the kitchens to the offices of Guy Savoy.
Along the route different chefs tried to speak with me and I mostly smiled and blushed furiously. I can’t help it. The older I get the more I blush. It’s terrible, but I’m afraid I wear my heart on my sleeve most of the time. I made some small talk, at least I think I did, but it’s hard to remember exactly what I said because my heart was pounding the whole time. Funny how nerves erase one’s memory.
The kitchen was cramped but cool! All the chefs are young and hip and I was happily surprised by a few female faces. Now I just need to find the chef that speaks English and cling like saranwrap. There are eighteen cuisine cooks and eighteen pastry chefs. That’s a whole lot of specialized chefs for a kitchen about the size of my living room. I guess we’ll get to know each other real well.
I’m not sure how well I was received by the kitchen staff. I said, “Bonjour” and got a few long stares and some short “Bonjour’s” back. I think there was even a few chuckles from some of the guys. Maybe I’m reading into this, but I don’t think any of them thought I was chef material. Either that or they’re tired of non-french speaking American stagiers. Or maybe they were just concentrating. Or maybe, maybe, maybe…
Finally I was taken upstairs to the offices of Guy Savoy which are above his restaurant. The staff was unbelievably warm and friendly – totally not what I was expecting. I was led to a room that was plastered ceiling to floor with media photos of Guy. I was fascinated by one photo of Guy with four children clinging to him. His warmth radiated from the photo and that is the way I imagine he’ll be in person (let’s hope!). I can tell he truly is a grand chef because his staff seem very content to be there. His personal secretary greeted me and signed my stagier papers for him. (Guy is in Las Vegas opening a restaurant at Ceasar’s Palace).
As I was leaving one of the other assistants gave me my schedule. She basically told me (in a really friendly way) to show up on the first day and the chef will see what level I’m at and base my schedule afterwards – that much I understood. Guess there won’t be too much room for error on my first day of work!
As I was about to leave she stopped me and also said that my letter of motivation was the most unusual and one of the best written they had ever received. (Gros bisous to my friend Marine, who helped in translating, otherwise I don’t think I would have got the position.) I blushed again, thanked her many times, and ran home to tell my husband the good news. Yippeee!!! I’m an official stagier!!! Wo-ooo!!!
Oh merde, I’m an official stagier…
so when is the big first day? and omg, 18 pastry chefs? what. does one sift the flour and the sugar? another cracks the eggs? really? 18? when does guy say to himself, 18 sounds reasonable, but 19 sounds snobby… do you get extra stars because you have 18 pastry chefs? is it like, extra-credit?
I love your story! So cute! And congratulations!! I will be in Paris soon, I should come and see you there!!!
And I know about the feeling about being in a foreign country and feeling so small because of the language!!
Ha, a 18 pastry fleet is pretty normal in a restaurant that offers 3 waiters for each table. the freshness of pastry is highly regarded here…
when is the big day? i’m also very psyched about it.
Felicitations, Amy. That’s great. You must be so pleased and releived (when you’re not being scared).
As far as French help goes, have you ever looked at the Rosetta Stone language cd’s? I’ve studied a number of languages over the years, and on the whole, I’m pretty impressed with the Rosetta Stone system.
Hi Shaula, I haven’t listened to them but I have heard of them. In fact, my hubby and I were supposed to listen to them when we were taking some survival language lessons with Berlitz (before we came over).
They were highly recommened and I will look into it again.
Thanks for the tip!
I’m so happy for you!! I’m pretty sure all you have to do is bat your eyelashes and they won’t care what language your speaking.
In the meantime I’ve been trying to practice my new chopping skills, and have been watching CuisineTV at the family’s place everytime I have to babysit.
Thank you again for the amazing lesson, and also for the constant fabulous posts, I’m dreaming of sweet pea gnocchi tonight…
I hope our French lesson helped! but it sounds like you did fine.
I think I’m going to make a tarte today.
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