Comments on: How To Talk Like A Mom 3-Michelin star kitchen stories and recipes! Join me on my cooking adventures from Paris to Pescadero and everywhere in between Thu, 06 Sep 2018 05:38:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Miguez Thu, 06 Sep 2018 05:38:12 +0000 I’m very pleased to discover this information. Very helpful.

By: wattacetti Tue, 21 Aug 2018 01:51:59 +0000 Part of your ability to carry on both sides of the conversation when your little peach goes silent on you likely comes from your days in drama. I'm sure at times Layla looks at your illeism as a sort of solo-Mom telenovela performance just for her.]]> I reread your post from 2007, and it’s somewhat more “colorful” than your current, decidedly literal use of color. 😀

Part of your ability to carry on both sides of the conversation when your little peach goes silent on you likely comes from your days in drama. I’m sure at times Layla looks at your illeism as a sort of solo-Mom telenovela performance just for her.
