Comments on: Heirloom Carrot & Nopalitos Green Salad 3-Michelin star kitchen stories and recipes! Join me on my cooking adventures from Paris to Pescadero and everywhere in between Wed, 02 Apr 2014 23:27:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ten Point Farm Wed, 02 Apr 2014 23:27:11 +0000 In reply to Ms. Glaze.

I roast them in skin, blend, strain and use the fruit for
half of the volume, the other half whole milk, in a custard
ice cream. It is fantastic. Hound all you want. I have not
seen it anywhere, either. I also have not seen nopales used
as a verde.

By: Nopales & Delicata Squash Quiche | Amy Glaze's Pommes d'Amour Wed, 02 Apr 2014 00:32:15 +0000 […] Heirloom Carrot & Nopales Green Salad […]

By: Ms. Glaze Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:09:03 +0000 In reply to Ten Point Farm.

Wait, wait, wait – did you say ice cream!!?!?!?!? That’s a great idea!!!! I bet it’s so beautiful! You roast them in the skin? And then blend them? I’m assuming you strain out the seeds? Milk based or sans lait? Sorry to hound you here, but that just sounds awesome and I have NEVER seen prickly pear ice cream anywhere…

By: Ten Point Farm Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:47:40 +0000 Twenty is a lot of work, but it is very rewarding to know how
our food is raised – about 12 acres is in pasture.

I don’t really have any recipes but they wind up in almost everything. They are great on pizza.

With the verde, they play well with every herb except rosemary.
I use it for pasta, pizza, and soup. I find it to be an extremely versatile sauce.

As for the fruit, I like to roast them and use them for ice cream.

Have fun with you new found food!

By: Ms. Glaze Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:09:43 +0000 20 acres is not small by my standards!!! I work with organic and ‘natural’ (not certified organic) farms along the coast and they are mostly of the 5-6 acre size so 20 acres seems like a lot of work to me.

If you have any nopales recipes you’d care to share, please feel free! This site is quickly turning into a beaver tail blog because I have a few more recipes to post…

Any dishes you love with the fruit?

By: Ten Point Farm Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:45:26 +0000 I am glad that you like my comments. Our farm is outside of
Orland in Glenn County. I have been fascinated by Nopales since my parents traveled in Mexico some thirty odd years ago
when I was elementary school. We are a produce farm. It is by most standards a small farm, twenty acres. We are not certified organic, but my wife and I have been practicing organic gardening/farming since we got together over thirty years ago.
She learned it from her grandfather(St. Mary’s. Kansas) and her father.

By: Roast Pork Loin with Fresh Bay Leaf Prickly Pear Glaze | Amy Glaze's Pommes d'Amour Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:33:05 +0000 […] last name in a recipe – and ‘Glaze’ really is my last name! As mentioned in my last post on nopales I am having a fun time experimenting with edible cactus including its fruit, the ‘prickly […]

By: Ms. Glaze Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:30:16 +0000 That’s awesome! What a great suggestion! Not that every home cook has a torch but that would sure save a lot of the darker green skin. I didn’t even think to make a verde sauce with them– great idea! I’ve been having so much fun experimenting with nopales and it’s a totally new vegetable/fruit for me. Come to think of it I wonder if there’s any other plant that can say they are a fruit and a vegetable.

Where are you Ten Point Farm?!?! Are you a produce farm or a hunting lodge? I’m getting tons of interesting images when I google that name! But i’m assuming you’re probably in Glenn County?

By: Ten Point Farm Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:46:49 +0000 I process tons of these guys and I torch the spines off before
removing the bumps. They also make a great verde when
pureed after blanching. They also freeze extremely well when
blanched and cut into strips.
Love your stuff.
