Comments on: Au Revoir? 3-Michelin star kitchen stories and recipes! Join me on my cooking adventures from Paris to Pescadero and everywhere in between Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:37:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jory Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:37:50 +0000 In reply to Ms. Glaze.

Clear, inafimotrve, simple. Could I send you some e-hugs?

By: Jamie Sat, 03 Feb 2007 22:36:30 +0000 I think you would rock Top Chef! Good luck, and if you get on the show I want to be telephoned after every challenge. 🙂

By: Kirsten M Fri, 02 Feb 2007 22:11:19 +0000 You would be absolutely perfect for Top Chef! I know your talents for performance, and I’ve been reading along with your talents in the kitchen. Break a leg on your audition tape!

By: madre-terra Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:01:54 +0000 I’ve been reading your blog to my daughter (the chef wanna be) for a few months now. I am so sorry to hear that you will leaving your french haven. We have so enjoyed your writing and stories.
But, in the true New Age way…a door closing is another door opening.
Please keep on blogging and let us know your life in all it’s lovliness.
My husband who, too, lived in Paris and worked in restaraunts particularly liked the “Mr. Clean” story. We rolled with laughter at the breakfast table.

By: Ms. Glaze Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:39:49 +0000 Thank you everyone for all the encouragement. I’ve never recieved so many messages on one post, and honestly I had no idea so many people read my blog! (sniff, sniff)
But I want to make something PERFECTLY CLEAR – I am not going to stop blogging and I will continue to write to French chef stories and recipes too. So please stay tunned, because I promise to dish up some interesting tidbits.
I can’t wait to share the audition video for Top Chef and hear reactions. It’s a little corny, but I had to put it together fast. I got permission to film in the restaurant and it is an interesting sneak peak into a 3-star kitchen.
I also have a video on butchering wild rabbit that I haven’t edited yet. It’s also from the restaurant. It might be a little scary though…
Ms. Glaze

By: cak Thu, 01 Feb 2007 06:42:15 +0000 You are a lucky person – don’t be put off by these little delays. Go with the flow, you obviously need the break. As they say in my town, if you fell into the Slaney (local river), you’d come up with a fish in your mouth!

By: Mlle Smith Wed, 31 Jan 2007 20:37:35 +0000 How sweet of your “French boss” to write a message. That’s so cute! :0) Good luck to you and Top Chef…you’re so brave!

By: Melinda Wed, 31 Jan 2007 20:07:46 +0000 I am sad to hear you cannot get a visa but I guess some things work out for the best. I do hope your hands get better with the rest and you can find the time for family and friends. You will look back on this time in Paris many years from now and realize just how fantastic they were. I wish you all the best of Luck in the future!

By: Anonymouse Tue, 30 Jan 2007 17:22:57 +0000 You’ve worked so hard,
You deserve the chance
To work in France.
Anyone can see at a glance.
How you’ve advanced.
And I’m sure the kitchen
Knows well how you’ve enhanced
Their “clog” dance..
Do they wear kitchen clogs in France?
Bonne Chance!

By: Natalie Tue, 30 Jan 2007 00:06:30 +0000 I hope your visa comes through in the next day! That sucks taht your hands are still hurting. Try a heating pad to warm them a bit before bed and get the blood circulating. That’s what I did before. Your are amazing and I’m sure it will all work out with the work stuff. We had so much fun with you and Eric on NYE!!
p.s. You’d win Top Chef hands down!

By: Anita Mon, 29 Jan 2007 20:32:23 +0000 Amy, your adventures have been so fun and inspiring to read, and I am sure there are many more adventures waiting for you around the corner (you are in France after all – I’m jealous!)
P.S. I think you would totally kick butt on Top Chef!

By: Ms. Glaze Mon, 29 Jan 2007 13:16:10 +0000 Uh, I wasn’t expecting my boss to write a message, and I’m a little at a loss for words, but….
Damien – merci pour tout ! L’expĂ©rience Ă©tait superbe. Je sais que je ne parle pas français bien, mais je pratiquerai pendant mes vacances. Merci de m’enseigner au sujet de la cuisine française, vous ĂŞtes un chef et un professeur Ă©tonnants. I’m sure you can use a break from 14 hours a day with Ms. Glaze, n’est pas? Oh la vache!!!!
Jennifer – I’m curious about this arm dipping process. My doctor hopes that with some time off my body will heal. The wax sounds divine. What is a kinĂ©?

By: Damien LE BIHAN Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:34:26 +0000 salut Amy c’est Damien ton boss. je trouve vraiment ton blog super. j’adore la façon dont tu racontes toute les histoires que tu as eu au travail. j’en profite pour te dire que je suis très fier d’avoir travaillĂ© avec toi. tu as Ă©tĂ© une stagiaire pendant 8 mois mais tu as tenu le rĂ´le d’un commis Ă  merveille. j’espère que tu vas obtenir ton permis de travail pour pouvoir te revoir parmis nous. et enfin je te souhaite bonne chance pour ton tv show. je ne garderais que des bons souvenir de notre colaboration. Your french boss.

By: Jennifer Jones Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:28:24 +0000 I have my fingers crossed for you. I love your writing and it gives me a little bit of joy each time I see a new post on your blog. You remind me of my time living in Paris so many years ago. Wherever you end up, keep writing. You have a gift for expressing yourself in words.

By: Chris Late Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:18:52 +0000 Go for Top Chef!

By: Sedulia Mon, 29 Jan 2007 07:46:32 +0000 Ms Glaze, it’s worth sticking it out! Once you have a carte de sejour, the work permit is just a matter of time…. and one of the glories of France has always been its welcome to foreign artists…. If you don’t make it on Top Chef, who would? (And I must say it makes me like Guy Savoy, already my favorite Paris restaurateur, better to hear your stories.) Good luck, and please keep posting!

By: Dave Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:54:02 +0000 Good luck, I hope you make it on to Top Chef. Please keep posting, I know it will work out!!

By: Ms. Glaze Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:47:54 +0000 Rachel Ray does need some time off doesn’t she (hee, hee….)

By: Jennifer Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:37:14 +0000 My fingers and my eyes are crossed for you.
But carpal tunnel in both arms. I know that one sister and man, it bloody well hurts (I wasn’t a chef though, but learning metalsmithing…)
Find a kiné who can dip your arms/wrists in warm wax. I swear that it works! Take some time to heal, get your thoughts together and then WATCH OUT WORLD!

By: loulou Mon, 29 Jan 2007 00:13:10 +0000 I’ve never seen Top Chef, only read about it, but you would definitely kick ass!

By: sara Sun, 28 Jan 2007 22:14:17 +0000 ahah top chef! youll be the new rachel ray! …but better!

By: MATTHEW ROSE Sun, 28 Jan 2007 16:43:12 +0000 Emerson wrote: “Every wall is a door.” I’m sure you’ll find not only a way out, but a way in.

By: Shaula Evans Sun, 28 Jan 2007 15:20:35 +0000 Amy, I’ve dealt with immigration and work permits in several countries now. I know how stressful it can be, and what a huge disappointment it is when a permit doesn’t come through on the first try. My heart goes out to you!
I’m really sorry you’re facing such a hassle — but I’m glad Guy Savoy is behind you, and I hope you get a good break from your crazy hours and enjoy the time with your husband and friends.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. Bon Courage!

By: Stu "El InglĂ©s" Harris Sun, 28 Jan 2007 13:26:42 +0000 I’m a strictly amateur chef de cuisine and I’ve enjoyed your blog de cuisine a lot. Hope you’ll be back, and thanks for the insights anyway.

By: Ms. Glaze Sun, 28 Jan 2007 06:55:24 +0000 Thanks for all the all the encouragement! I live in Paris permanently and I have a Carte de Sejour – just not a work permit. Seems a little bit ironic that I can live in the country, but not work. Guy Savoy is fighting to keep me and so we will go round two with the work permit process. I’m hoping that it will just take a month or two and then I can start back up again perhaps at the fish station instead of the meat (no more birds pleeeeeaaaase!!!!)
I also want to do some exploration into pastry, french culture, french language classes, and how-to videos during my time off.
I’m not joking about the Top Chef audition either. Guy Savoy allowed me to film myself cooking at the restaurant and I”m sending in the video tomorrow….keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
Ms. Glaze

By: maitresse Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:29:17 +0000 Major bummer. Don’t worry, you’ll find a way around all the visa bs, something else will comes through.
But I’m glad you’ll have some more free time so we’ll be able to catch up again!
Marcus, read before you comment: the resto has 3 stars. It says so in the otp left corner of the blog.

By: startcooking Sat, 27 Jan 2007 19:32:19 +0000 Where ever you go, what ever you do, success will no doubt follow! You are destined for greatness! Cheers!

By: jeorg Sat, 27 Jan 2007 18:57:32 +0000 i want you on top chef. you’d be awesome!!!!!

By: Lianne Sat, 27 Jan 2007 16:55:09 +0000 Perhaps this is a sign that you should have your carpal tunnel treated so you can prove Alison right in comfort.
Please keep up the blogging — you are an inspiration to us all.

By: Marcus Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:31:26 +0000 These blog entries are all very nice, but I’m unclear on one fact: how many stars does the restaurant you work at have?

By: Negrito Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:39:13 +0000 ho No!!! that’s not fair!!!! You are leaving and I did not even had the chance to test your food!!!! what will you be doing ???

By: lilalia Sat, 27 Jan 2007 02:05:25 +0000 Don’t go… please say you will continue blogging. Your writing has given so much pleasure and laughs and insights into a world most of us would never of had a chance to glimpse at.
What are your thoughts on finding a new job? Will you continue blogging?

By: David Fri, 26 Jan 2007 23:34:50 +0000 What I meant to say was, “While I don’t mind assembling the ‘dossier’ with the forms they request, they always pull something odd out of the air, that you’re not likely to have, prompting another round of scrambling for paperwork. Why don’t just tell you they need them right from the start?”
(Btw: best of luck!)

By: David Fri, 26 Jan 2007 23:32:04 +0000 Those wacky visa people! Each year I say, “No way, I’m not going through this again.” While I don’t mind assembling the ‘dossier’ with the forms they request.
This year I had to apply for 2 ‘prolongations’, then when I showed up (in early November), they said they couldn’t issue my visa for 2 more months because the machine to laminate them was broken, and wouldn’t be repaired until late January.
Luckily, that date coincides with re-starting my next carte de sejour renewal so I can begin the process all over again…at the same appointment!

By: Mark Fri, 26 Jan 2007 20:57:30 +0000 So sorry to see you go, but know what you’ll do great things at the next adventure. Push hard, sometimes the bureaucracy just takes time.

By: Alison Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:57:47 +0000 I hope you can find a solution so that you can stay where you are.
On the other hand, I have no doubts that you could kick ass ANYWHERE.
